A trove of vintage snapshots from the Twin Towers observation deck was discovered at an estate sale,
then scanned and remapped in Unity to create a surrealistic landscape in an app for Oculus Go.
You step into an unfamiliar familiar, seagulls call overhead, A snail at your feet guides you, another
familiar. Grasp the handrail. Wind from a small fan blows through your hair.
VR Environment for Oculus
Found images from Twin Towers observation deck, rigged snail, wood, hotglue, fan, 2018.
Exhibited in “Fear Faire”, Marinaro Gallery, New York 2018.
Thanks to Nathaniel De Large.
Found images from Twin Towers observation deck, rigged snail, wood, hotglue, fan, 2018.
Exhibited in “Fear Faire”, Marinaro Gallery, New York 2018.
Thanks to Nathaniel De Large.